Butterfly Walk & 5K in Mason, OH - Donate | ITS YOUR RACE

Butterfly Walk & 5K

Mason, OH


CancerFree Kids

CancerFree KIDS is a non-profit organization whose mission is to eradicate cancer as a life-threatening illness in children. Their mission is driven by the belief that funding research is the means to finding a cure for pediatric cancer. It also supports the belief that research of childhood cancers has and will continue to contribute significantly to the research of all types of cancers, including adult cancers, and that it should be funded accordingly.
In early 2003 CancerFree KIDS received its 501(c)3 non-profit organization status and since then has partnered with Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and Medical Center (CCHMC) to award research grants towards children’s cancer research. Since 2003 CancerFree KIDS has granted over 2.25 million dollars towards research grants.
The Director of the National Cancer Institute has said, “We can now say with certainty we know the road to take, the only question is the speed at which we proceed along that road.”  In other words, curing cancer is no longer the impossible dream. It is simply a matter of money - enough money to continue research in the labs, to translate that research in clinical trials, and to bring the treatments to the general public so that everyone can benefit. This research benefits not only children, but also adults with cancer. All of the vast improvements in the way we diagnose, treat and cure cancers have come as the result of research, and money is needed to continue down the path with increased speed.

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